The aim of this website is to promote multicenter collaborative studies of supportive, palliative, and psychosocial cancer care across Japan by providing information about J-SUPPORT (the Japan Supportive, Palliative, and Psychosocial Oncology Group). The development and maintenance of this website is supported in part by the National Cancer Center Research and Development Fund (A-27-3). Information regarding links to this site and notices and disclaimers about the use of web content are described below.
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Notices and disclaimers
- All possible measures are taken to ensure the accuracy of information provided on this website. However, when several academic theories have been reported on the same topic, this website may not cover all the versions.
- Textual information, graphics, and audio files on this website are provided as-is. Web content is subject to alteration or deletion without notice.
- This website is not responsible for any detrimental consequences of the use of information provided on this site by visitors.
- Visitors to this website are strictly prohibited from the secondary use of the website’s content, such as copying, converting, or selling, without permission from J-SUPPORT or the right holder.
Site links
- In principle, links from various (including private) non-profit organizations are free of charge. There is no need to obtain permission or contact us in advance.
- Links should show the J-SUPPORT banner or have our official appellation “J-SUPPORT” and URL.
- For-profit private and business organizations should contact the J-SUPPORT Administrative Office before creating a link to this website.
- There are two types of banners to choose from, depending on the space available on your website.
The above site policy concerns only this website and does not apply to other sites linked to this site.